World War II Veteran receives his print from Cape Coral artist Rick Kelley during his appearance at the Southwest Florida Military Museum and Library Artist Rick Kelley, who’s patriotic American Freedom Series is winning acclaim... Continue reading
By Bob Harden. From Naples Florida Weekly, 4 July 2013 In the days following Sept. 11, 2001, Naples artist Rick Kelley found himself at his easel creating what would become one of the most important... Continue reading
From News-Press, 22 November 2013. In honor of Veterans Day, artist Rick Kelley donated five images from his “Patriotic Series” to veterans attending the Veterans Foundation open house Nov. 11 in Cape Coral.The print giveaway was... Continue reading
From Naples News, 7 November 2013. Artist Rick Kelley, of Cape Coral, will donate a choice of five images from his “Patriotic Series” to veterans and families of military service members who died in Afghanistan or... Continue reading
LEFT: On Veterans Day, Cape Coral residents Veteran Herb Halpern, 82, and Beverly Halpern, 72, attended the Veteran’s Foundation Open House in Cape Coral and stopped by Master Artist Rick Kelley’s display to select a print from his “Patriotic Series.” Halpern was... Continue reading